This shopping list includes all ingredients for:
- Tuna Salad Sandwiches (recipe in the newsletter)
- Chicken Milanesa Torta
- Chicken Parmesan (recipe in the newsletter)
If an amount is not listed, you will only need a small amount of the item in the recipe, so just having one package/bottle of that ingredient will be sufficient.
- [ ] 1-2 celery stalks
- [ ] 1 head of lettuce
- [ ] 1 large red onion
- [ ] 1 lime
- [ ] 1 avocado
- [ ] Optional: tomato, or any other veggies you’d want for the tuna sandwiches
- [ ] Optional: chopped herbs like scallion, parsley, or cilantro
- [ ] 3-6 chicken breasts (enough to make fried cutlets for tortas and chicken parm)
- [ ] 2 eggs
- [ ] 8 oz pack Low-moisture mozzarella, or equivalent melting cheese
- [ ] Parmesan chunk
- [ ] Mexican crema or sour cream, at least 300 g