This shopping list includes all ingredients for:
- Summer Salads (recipe in the newsletter)
- Pasta alla Vodka (recipe/framework in the newsletter)
If an amount is not listed, you will only need a small amount of the item in the recipe, so just having one package/bottle of that ingredient will be sufficient.
All newsletter recipes feed 1-2 people. Multiply amounts for more servings.
- [ ] 1 head of garlic
- [ ] 1 onion
- [ ] Greens component for salad: lettuces, spring mixes, arugula, spinach, watercress, etc
- [ ] Sweet component for salad: dates, dried berries, fresh fruit, etc
- [ ] Optional: protein for salad or pasta topping
- [ ] Creamy/Tangy component for salad: feta, goat cheese, parmesan shavings, etc
- [ ] Heavy cream for vodka pasta
- [ ] Parmigiano reggiano
Dry, Frozen, or Canned Goods
- [ ] Salty/Crunchy component for salad: nuts, bacon, seeds, etc
- [ ] Pasta
- [ ] Canned tomatoes